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50+ Book WiFi Names & Book Password Ideas

Last Updated on August 18, 2023 by Louisa

Are you looking for a new WiFi password? Or want a funny name to change your WiFi name to?

Or perhaps you just need a secret code word or phrase to share with a friend?

Then you may enjoy these book password ideas which are words and phrases from famous books.

Whether you’re looking for a Harry Potter password or something a little less guess-able, these password ideas from books should get you inspired…

Book WiFi Names

Here are some of the best WiFi names inspired by books!

  • You Shall Not Pass
  • Routers of Rohan
  • Gone With The WiFi
  • Catcher in the WiFi
  • The Floo Network (Harry Potter)
  • Griffindor Commonroom (or any other house)
  • PaigeTurner
  • Slaughterhouse 5G
  • The Lion, The Witch and The WiFi
  • Platform 9 3/4
  • A Court of Wireless Internet
  • King’s Landing
  • WiFi Art Thou Romeo
  • Lord of the Pings
  • District 12
  • The Restricted Section
  • Narnia
  • Frodo Laggins
  • The Chamber of Secrets
  • 212 Baker Street
  • To Be or Not to Be Connected
  • Big Brother Is Watching
  • Alice in WonderLAN
  • 50 Gigs of Grey
  • Panem
  • House of LANister
  • In Search of Lost WiFi
  • The Divine WiFi
  • Catch 22GB
  • Brave New WiFi
  • Charlotte’s InterWeb

Book Password Ideas

If you’re looking for a new password, how about one of these?

  • Nevermore
  • TheAnswerIs42
  • SpeakFriend&Enter
  • TheWiFiIsMine
  • Ulysses
  • OnceUponATime
  • CallMeIshmael
  • ItWasAPleasureToBurn
  • ThereIsAlwaysSomethingLeftToLove
  • StayGoldPonyboy
  • ForYou1000TimesOver
  • WaitAndHope
  • TheEnd

Harry Potter Password Ideas

Because there are so many Harry Potter password ideas to choose from, here is a whole selection of them…

  • Alohamora
  • Connecto Patronum
  • Accio Internet
  • ItsLeviOsa
  • YerAWizard
  • DobbyIsFree
  • MischiefManaged
  • HomenumRevelio
  • Swish&flick
  • ConstantVigilance!
  • ILoveMagic
  • IOpenAtTheClose
  • WhompingWillow

So there you go! Those are some fun book password ideas and book WiFi names. I hope you managed to find one you like.

Did you have a favorite? Let me know in the comments.

Read more: Cat Names from Books

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About Louisa Smith

Editor/Founder - Epic Book Society

Louisa is the Founder, Editor, and Head Honcho of Epic Book Society. She was born and raised in the United Kingdom and graduated from the University for the Creative Arts with a degree in Journalism. Louisa began her writing career at the age of 7 when her poetry was published in an anthology of poems to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. Upon graduating university, she spent several years working as a journalist writing about books before transitioning to become a Primary School Teacher. Louisa loves all genres of books, but her favorites are Sci-Fi, Romance, Fantasy, and Young Adult Fiction. Read more Louisa's story here.

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